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Acquire Dompiler

You have two options for acquiring Dompiler so it exists on your computer:

Each option is explained below, followed by a section that explains next steps.

Option 1: Download the Browser Release

This is the option you’ll want to use if you don’t have a JavaScript build process (i.e., if you simply want to start using Dompiler directly in the browser).

You can download the latest release here:

You’ll download the ZIP file, unzip it, then inspect the files, which will be:

You can use the .js files if you want to start experimenting with Dompiler.

If you plan to use Dompiler on production, you’ll likely want the .min.js files (because they’re smaller).

Option 2: Install with NPM

This is the option you’ll want to use if you have a JavaScript build process (e.g., Node, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, etc.).

Open your terminal and change to the directory where you have your code. Then run this command from the terminal:

npm i dompiler --save-dev

This will install Dompiler into the node_modules folder.

View the NPM page for details on how to make use of those files:

Next Steps

Once you’ve acquired the files (either via download or via NPM), you can start reading the tutorial.

If you like, you can also browse the examples.

Note that the tutorial and examples all show how to use Dompiler in the browser. This is because each of them are interactive and the browser version is the easiest one to make this possible.

The only real difference between the two is that the browser version will do something like this:

import Dompiler from "./some-path/dompiler.js";
import Events from "./some-path/events.js";

The equivalent Node version would be this:

let Dompiler = require("dompiler").Dompiler,
    Events = require("dompiler").Events;

Other than that, they should be identical.