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Suppose you have a variable, isWeekend, that you want to use to change a portion of the markup rendered by Dompiler. You can do so with this JavaScript (which you’ll place in a file called app.js):

// Import Dompiler.
import Dompiler from "../../library/dompiler.js";

// Initialize Dompiler.
let {
} = new Dompiler().withBinding();

// Variables.
let day = new Date().getDay(),
    isWeekend = day === 0 || day === 6;

// Compile markup string into a document fragment.
let markup = `
            Today is
            ${ isWeekend && `
                <strong>THE WEEKEND!!!!</strong>
            ` || "" }
            ${ !isWeekend && `
                <span>a weekday.</span>
            ` || "" }
    compiled = compile(markup);

// Append compiled markup to container.
let container = document.querySelector(".example-container");

This is using a bit of JavaScript trickery to conditionally return a string from an interpolated statement. This is mimicking an if/else statement by repeating the same condition twice, but with the second version being inverted.

That is, the first line says “display this markup if it’s the weekend”:

${ isWeekend && `
    <strong>THE WEEKEND!!!!</strong>
` || "" }

The second line says “display this markup if it is NOT the weekend”:

${ !isWeekend && `
    <span>a weekday.</span>
` || "" }

The || "" at the end means “if this evaluates to false, return an empty string rather than false”.

The markup would look something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Dompiler Example</title>
    <div class="example-container"></div>
    <script src="app.js" type="module"></script>

You can see a live example here: